Mangiare, bere, sentire

Specialized in Italian Cuisine, Olivo Villagio brings to Barra da Tijuca a celebration of flavours from Southern Italy.


About Us

Olivo Villagio is an homage to the Italian Dolce far Niente A restaurant inspired by the Summers of Southern Italy, bringing excellency to all its preparations. Focusing on high-quality ingrediens and service. Besides our immaculate dishes, Olivo also is known by its spectacular wine-list.

Tradition and innovation in the right measure.


High-quality ingredients with a focus on creativity.


Answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Aceitamos reservas pelo telefone – 21- 3252-2895

Yes, there is an optional 12% fee.

Sim. Pelo Ifood

Aceitamos Crédito, Débito  e Dinheiro.

Please contact the house management at (phone) +55 21 3547-1001.

Tel: 21 3252-2895

Please contact the house management at (phone) +55 21 3547-1001.

Tel: 21 3252-2895

Sim, do próprio shopping.

Segunda a quinta-feira de 12h às 22h

Sexta-feira e Sábado de 23h

Domingo e Feriado 12h às 21h

Sim. De segunda à Sexta-feira de 12h – 16h.
Não inclui finais de semana e feriados.

Yes, it must be disclosed at the time of booking.

Yes, the corkage fee is R$70.

You can send your resume to [email protected]

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Send your resume to: [email protected]

Village Mall
Av. das Américas, 3.900 |
Piso l3, loja 303
Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro 

+55 21 3252 2895

Contact Us